Certified Nurse Midwives added to Medicaid’s Comprehensive Primary Care Program

OAAPN recently worked with Ohio Medicaid to successfully add Certified Nurse Midwives to Medicaid’s Comprehensive Primary Care Program!

According to Ohio Medicaid, “The CPC program is a team-based care delivery model that comprehensively manages a patient’s health needs with the goal of improving quality of care and lowering costs by empowering practices to deliver the best care possible.”

CPC practices may be eligible for two additional payment streams based on performance on metrics and activities:

  • Per-member-per-month (PMPM) payments
  • Shared savings payments to reward total cost of care savings

Additionally, joining the CPC program gives access to data and reports that provide information needed to help make better decisions about outreach, care, and referrals.

Review the rule: https://tinyurl.com/2s3b5ccm
Learn more: https://tinyurl.com/3vffruu7