National Midwifery Week, created by the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), honors midwives and midwife-led care. This year’s theme is “Looking to the Future,” which highlights the essential role midwives play in shaping the future of healthcare.
Midwifery care, backed by rigorous scientific evidence, improves birth outcomes and enhances patient experiences. As a profession rooted in history, midwifery is vital for the future of healthcare, with proven success in reducing maternal and newborn mortality, even in resource-limited areas. Scaling up midwifery can help address health disparities across the globe, and national governments are encouraged to invest in expanding midwifery services as a cost-effective and sustainable healthcare solution.
OAAPN proudly represents over 17,000 APRNs in Ohio, including certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) who are pivotal in improving healthcare access and outcomes. As we recognize the CNMs among our membership and throughout Ohio during National Midwifery Week, please take a moment to acknowledge their collective impact of the profession on women’s health and say thank you!