2023 Accomplishments:
- Provided billing and coding education at the statewide conference
- Provided member updates on billing and coding, including new E/M rules for 2024 and split-shared billing.
- Worked with the Ohio Department of Health to improve communication with our organization to ensure OAAPN is included as a key stakeholder in the care of all Ohioans.
- Collaborated with the Government Relations Committee and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) regarding the timeline removal of the physician signature requirement on the DNR form.
- Collaborated with the Government Relations Committee on content for SB 196
- Submitted a white paper to the Ohio Department of Medicaid to advocate for 100% reimbursement for Ohio APRNs
- Worked with Medicaid and OHMAS to advocate for amendment of 5160-27-01 to include CNMs as eligible providers for community behavioral health services. These meetings are ongoing.
- Continued to work with commercial and governmental payers to ensure APRNs are credentialed and reimbursed appropriately for the services they provide
- Updated member education, available on the OAAPN website, highlighting proper credentialing and accreditation.
To learn more about OAAPN’s Reimbursement Committee leadership, goals, and objectives, please visit this LINK.