CRNA Week 2024

Get ready to celebrate National CRNA Week from January 21-27, 2024. This annual event is dedicated to recognizing the transformative contributions of over 61,000 practicing Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) in the United States. From impactful collaborations in healthcare policy to saving lives and pushing the boundaries of patient care, National CRNA Week invites the healthcare community and the public to reflect on the exceptional work and expertise of CRNAs and residents.

Originally established in 2000 as National Nurse Anesthetist Week, the event underwent a name change in 2014 to National CRNA Week. This modification aimed to familiarize patients, healthcare professionals, administrators, and policymakers with the CRNA credential and highlight the exceptional skills of advanced practice registered nurses who have earned it.

During this week of celebration, it’s an excellent opportunity to educate the public about the safe and efficient anesthesia care provided by CRNAs. With a history of more than 150 years of providing anesthesia care, CRNAs play a crucial role in our healthcare system, often serving as the sole providers in medically underserved areas.

As the voice of over 10,000 APRNs across Ohio, OAAPN proudly includes Nurse Practitioners, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Clinical Nurse Specialists, and Certified Nurse Midwives among its members. Together, we believe in the strength of our numbers, the authority in our voice, and the influence in our actions.

Join us in celebrating the incredible CRNAs practicing in Ohio and beyond. By uniting, we can advocate for affordable, accessible, and quality healthcare for all, striving for fair and equitable standards across our professions. Invest in yourself and your profession by becoming a part of our community today.

Let’s celebrate the dedication, expertise, and resilience of CRNAs and residents, shaping the future of healthcare. Check out the “10 Things You Should Know About CRNAs” to learn more about the incredible contributions of these healthcare professionals.