Lindora Hubel works for Primary One in Circleville, Ohio. She is a primary care family nurse practitioner with a practice specialty of Diabetes and Weight Management and serves a diverse population that reaches out to include Spanish, French, Somalian, and Amish patients.
In addition to serving a robust clinical population, she regularly precepts nurse practitioner students while consistently working to improve her own clinical skills through CE and certifications such as, AANP Diabetic Boot camp, obtaining a waiver for substance abuse disorder, and culinary medicine certification.
Always willing to do whatever is needed, Lindora frequently participates in special projects within the organization having recently organized and/or participated in local produce giveaways and the African-American women’s walk, to name a few. She was instrumental in the clinic being awarded a grant to provide healthy food weekly to eligible weight management and diabetic patients throughout Columbus Primary One locations. Her data from over 10,000 weight management patients in a 2-3 year period was a key factor that secured grant funding.
In 2023, Lindora was the recipient of Primary One Health’s Healthcare Justice Award. Lindora was described by co-workers as totally dedicated to her patients, always going above and beyond what is expected, having excellent working relationships with co-workers, assuring she is up to date in her practice area knowledge, taking initiative to introduce new programs, and dedicated to mentoring students.
Lindora is committed to providing her diverse patient population with excellence. She is currently working on obesity medicine certification and plans to obtain trigger point training in the near future. Lindora Hubel is, has been, and will continue to be an amazing Ohio APRN.
Lindora was nominated by Donna Spencer, APRN-CNP and Barb Schaffner, PhD, APRN-CNP. Thank you Lindora for all that you do for your community, your patients and for APRN practice in Ohio!
Do you know an Amazing APRN? Please submit your nominee here.