Call for Posters

OAAPN Statewide Conference
October 23-25, 2025 – Hyatt Regency, Columbus, OH


Showcase your scholarly work!

Three poster categories:

· Educational: Leadership, Advocacy, Ethics, Education, Public Policy
· Evidence-based Practice or Quality Improvement Initiative
· Research

We invite you to submit your abstract for a poster presentation at the upcoming OAAPN Statewide Conference on October 23-25, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Columbus, Ohio. All abstracts must convey relevance to advanced practice nursing. Be sure your abstract submission is complete at the time of submission (unfinished projects may be considered if data will be complete by the OAAPN Statewide Conference). 

Information Required for Abstract Submission

  1. Primary Author’s name, credentials, degrees, and contact information
  2. Primary Author’s expertise and training specific to your project proposal
  3. Sponsoring organization or institution (No pharma or corporate sponsored submissions will be accepted).  
  4. Names, credentials, and contact information for any additional authors
  5. Poster Title
  6. Your poster proposal in 500 words or less. MAKE SURE your abstract/proposal meets the guidelines and criteria below!
  7. One learning objective for participants viewing your poster. This is required.

Guidelines for Proposals

  1. Three categories of poster presentations will be held. Abstracts/proposals should be submitted for the category reflecting the poster’s content.
    • Educational posters: Leadership, advocacy, ethics, education, public policy
    • Evidence-based practice/Quality improvement posters
    • Research posters
  2. No identifiable information should be included in the abstract/proposal section-authors, affiliations, locations.
  3. Abstract/proposal length maximum: 500 words.
  4. Editing will not be done by OAAPN.
  5. It is the responsibility of the first author to ensure that all copyrights and disclosures are satisfied and accurate.
    Criteria for Review

      Each criteria will be evaluated and scored: Excellent=3, Good=2, Acceptable=1, Not acceptable=0

      Criteria for Educational Posters

      1. Title
      2. Purpose and Rationale
      3. Program Development
      4. Program Implementation
      5. Outcomes
      6. Evaluation

      Criteria for Evidence-Based Project Posters

      1. Title
      2. Problem/Issue Background and Rationale
      3. Critical Appraisal of Evidence
      4. Project/EBP Practice Change Description
      5. Evaluation
      6.  Implications for Practice

      Criteria for Research Posters

      1. Title
      2. Background and Significance
      3. Purpose
      4. Method
      5. Results – Discussion
      6. Conclusions

      Deadline to Submit:  May 20, 2025.

      Acceptance Notification: The first author of the abstract will be notified via email by June 30, 2025, of the OAAPN Education Committee’s decision Poster presenters will be responsible for their own expenses related to attending the poster presentation.

      The poster session will be held on Thursday, October 23, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency and Columbus Convention Center from 5:30-7:30 pm. Poster presenters are expected to set up posters ahead of time and be available during the entire session for discussion of their work. Poster presenters are expected to remove their posters following the close of the poster session.

      Questions?  E-mail us at