To RENEW your membership in OAAPN:
- Pay the auto-generated Renewal invoice attached to the renewal notification email; or
- Log in to your member profile and submit a Renewal form linked on the Member Landing Page; or
- Log in and use the Renew option from the My Profile page
Invest in Yourself and Your Profession!
- Regular Membership (1 year): $175. This category of membership is open to all currently licensed and active Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM), and Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP). Regular members in good standing have voting privileges.
- Regular Membership (3 years): $400. Save $125 when you join for three years.
- Student Membership: $60 This category of membership is open to all registered nurses enrolled in a program for initial certification as a CNS, CRNA, CNM or CNP. Student members have no voting privileges. NOTE: If you are an APRN who is returning to school for an additional APRN specialty or your DNP you do not qualify for a student Membership.
- Retired Membership: $50 This category of membership is open to all CNSs, CRNAs, CNMs or CNPs retired from active practice as an advanced practice nurse. Retired members have no voting privileges.