Annual Partner, Sponsor, & Exhibit Opportunities

OAAPN is the only professional organization that represents the over 16,000 APRNs in Ohio. OAAPN is committed to promoting Advanced Practice Nursing through practice, education, advocacy, and leadership. It is our goal for Ohio APRNs to be recognized as leaders in providing affordable, accessible, quality healthcare for all Ohioans.


OCT 20-22, 2022 | Hyatt Regency Downtown Columbus

Exhibit Only – $1,000

Includes a 10’ x 10’ draped exhibit space with a six foot table, two chairs, company signage with booth number and recognition on the OAAPN website and onsite materials

Exhibitor Schedule

Thursday, October 20
  • Set up: 2:00pm-5:00pm
  • Show Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm with Reception and Meet & Greet in exhibit hall
Friday, October 21
  • Show Time: 6:45am-8:00am with attendee breakfast in exhibit hall
  • Show Time: 11:30am-1:00pm with attendee lunch in exhibit hall
  • Tear-down: after 1:00pm