OAAPN Political Action Committee (PAC)


OAAPN’s PAC was created to help elect state legislators who support OAAPN goals and objectives of providing high quality, affordable, accessible health care for all Ohioans.

To donate via credit card, please click on “Donate Now” below.  Please note that registration with our website is required if you are not already a member.  Registration on the OAAPN website does not create an OAAPN membership. If you would like to become a member please visit this LINK.

You may also donate by sending us a check (payable to OAAPN PAC) to:  OAAPN PAC, 400 W. Wilson Bridge Rd, Suite 120, Columbus, OH  43085.

Thank you for your support!

 What is a PAC?
A PAC is defined as two or more persons who receive or spend money in an attempt to influence the outcome of an election.

Why does OAAPN need a PAC?
The benefit of having an OAAPN PAC is that it allows us to establish an organized process through which our members may send political contributions to be designated at a later date.  Members of OAAPN are asked to contribute money to the PAC.  These funds will then be designated (contributed) to individual Senators and House of Representative members of the Ohio state legislature who support OAAPN priorities.  It is important for OAAPN to support candidates who are dedicated to the passage of laws that benefit our members; whereby the elimination of practice barriers allow Advanced Practice Nurses to provide cost-effective, quality and accessible care to Ohioans. This support will contribute to the overall success of our association, allowing advanced practice nurses to be a driving force in the healthcare arena. 

How is a PAC run?
A PAC is in place to review the voting record of each legislator and how the PAC funds will be disseminated.  Support for OAAPN priorities will dictate whether or not a contribution should be made as well as a legislator’s assignment to relevant committees such as the House and Senate Health Committees, Insurance Committees and other healthcare related committees.  Candy Rinehart, our current PAC Treasurer, collects and deposits all contributions to the PAC and files all the necessary paperwork with the state government.

How and when can I make a contribution to the PAC?
The OAAPN PAC accepts contributions throughout the year.  PAC contributions are accepted at Regional meetings, during the annual Statewide Meeting and online at www.oaapn.org. All contributions in any amount are appreciated.  Various forms of payment are accepted, including cash, check and major credit cards (mailing of cash is not recommended). Checks should be made to “OAAPN PAC”. The contributor’s name, address, phone number and $ amount MUST be included with any PAC contribution as this information must be reported to the Secretary of State.  Contributions may be mailed to the address below.