graphic of OAAPN's 2022 success


OAAPN is the only state organization representing all of Ohio’s APRNs. We are committed to changing Ohio law to remove APRN practice barriers in our state so we can provide the best possible healthcare to all Ohioans. We hope that you will join us next year for our Statewide Conference 2023.

Remember, members of OAAPN receive a discount on their registration. Join today to invest in yourself and your profession – and help us support APRN practice in Ohio.

  • 17,000_ APRNs in State of Ohio
  • 2,251 current members
    • 484 New Members
    • 1,514 Renewing Members
  • 1,123 of pieces of legislation reviewed to ensure no negative impact to APRN practice
    • 754 House + 369 Senate
  • Number of pieces of legislation specific to healthcare analyzed in depth by GRC to ensure no negative impact on APRN practice
    • 8 new suggested language –
    • 8 pieces of healthcare impacting legislation analyzed in depth by GRC to ensure no negative impact on APRN practice
  • 13 of rules reviewed on behalf of APRNs
  • 13 comments submitted to ensure language supportive of APRN practice
  • 9 changes made due to OAAPN submitted comments
  • 2 pieces of legislation supported or introduced by OAAPN
  • 530 Conference Attendees
  • 50+ Continuing Education Hours offered
  • 4 webinars
  • 176 chapter meetings held
  • 16 legislative meetings held
  • 119 Key Person Program Participants = 119
  • 16 coalition members
  • 25 info@ newsletters
  • 170  member FAQs answered
  • $4500 paid out in scholarships
  • 4 APRN Leadership awards given
  • 20 Hours spent in BOD meetings
  • 51 committee meetings
  • $9,344.58 PAC dollars raised
  • 14,000+ social media followers
  • 820+ social media posts
  • 246,120 visits to the OAAPN website