What an awful way to start the New Year! OAAPN is on it. The Governor’s Office has been contacted about the OBON glitch and is communicating with the OBON staff as we speak. In short the OBON communication on the CTP is a computer error.
According to ORC 4723.481 Authority of APRN designated as a CNM, CNS and CNP to prescribe if one has an APRN license one can prescribe using the exclusionary formulary and controlled substance prohibitions exceptions. The CTP DOES NOT EXIST AS OF TODAY.
If you have documentation that states you have an active APRN license, you may prescribe. If you can not find it, look on the OBON website under E-verification. Find your name, if your APRN license has “Active”, you are good to go.
Happy New Year from your OAAPN colleagues!